
AnitaO'Day,whosesingingcareerbeganinthebigbandera,wasintheprimeofherlifewhensherecordedthisLPforVervein1958.Amazingly,Winnerswas ...,GetthelatestnewsaboutAubreyODay.Findexclusiveinterviews,videoclips,photosandmoreonEntertainmentTonight.,,由SJO'Day著作·2010·被引用622次—Ipilimumabdemonstratedclinicalactivitywithencouraginglong-termsurvivalinapreviouslytreatedadvancedmelanomapopulation.,提供完整...

Anita O'Day

Anita O'Day, whose singing career began in the big band era, was in the prime of her life when she recorded this LP for Verve in 1958. Amazingly, Winners was ...

Aubrey O Day

Get the latest news about Aubrey O Day. Find exclusive interviews, video clips, photos and more on Entertainment Tonight.

Efficacy and safety of ipilimumab monotherapy in patients ...

由 SJ O'Day 著作 · 2010 · 被引用 622 次 — Ipilimumab demonstrated clinical activity with encouraging long-term survival in a previously treated advanced melanoma population.

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Hank O'Day

A player, manager, umpire and scout for more than 40 years in the National League, Hank O'Day remains the only person to serve the league in so many capacities.